Flesh & Blood Tournaments at DreamHack

Flesh & Blood is coming to DreamHack Hannover

At DreamHack Hannover there will be a huge trading card game area. You will find everything that the heart of a true card master desires. Whether alone or in a group – you can meet plenty of other trading card game fans at any time with whom you can play exciting matches. But not only that, there will be several tournaments with amazing prices.

For the first time in winter, Flesh & Blood is going to hold some exiting tournaments during the entire weekend. There will be three different events at DreamHack Hannover, each on one day. Thereby, you will have enough time to take a look into the trading card game from New Zealand. Flesh & Blood is a collectible card game from Legend Story Studios and can be played with two or more people.

Do not wait too long because the spots a limited, and you will need an extra ticket for each of the three Flesh & Blood tournaments. 

Battle Hardened Hannover

The weekend starts with the Super Armory tournament in Flesh & Blood. 64 players can compete in the competition on Friday. The format will be Booster Draft and you can win some awesome prices like a Champion Playmat and a Cold Foil Armory Promos.

On Saturday the highlight of the Flesh & Blood tournaments will take place. 256 trading card games fans have the opportunity to compete in the Battle Hardened event. This competitive tournament will be played as Classic Constructed and in the beginning as Swiss Rounds. There will be Best-Of-One-Matches until the top 8 is set. The winner will go home with 2,000 US-Dollar as travel reimbursement, a Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat and much more.

The Professional Tournament Invitational (PTI) will close the weekend filled with action on Sunday. Like the Battle Hardened before, 256 people can join the Flesh & Blood tournament, and it will also be played as Classic Constructed.